Thursday 29 November 2012

Scene 34

Editing this scene was lots of fun for me, as it showed the process editors go through when working on feature films. Looking through the rushes, reading through the script, it all felt very professional. It was interesting for me to pick up pieces of a scene that I had no idea what was happening within the overall story, and put it together in a way that both made sense continuity-wise, and also gave me chance to explore and experiment. I found that editing this scene was less of an initial challenge than the Ghostbusters one, simply because I was now getting used to Final Cut X, and it felt more natural making my way around it.

As I progressed through the edit, I found that the main issue was the sound. The background noise of the waves and passers by could be accepted as diegetic sound, and so not only wasn't an issue, but benefitted the scene. But the problem that did come from the sound recorded was when these background noises grew louder than the characters dialogue, making it hard to hear the most important aspect of the sound mix in this specific scene. Most lines that suffered from this were easy to get around, simply by using pieces from different shots or takes. But as you will most likely notice, around the middle of the scene there is a line spoken by the female actress that is only just audible. This could not be replaced with any other takes as just after the line is delivered the male actor sits back down next to her, and on the timeline of my edit this would have created a continuity nightmare. This problem is something I hope to address in my next edit, and hopefully get right.

The link to my Final Edit of Scene 34 is below:

Scene 34 Final Edit

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