Thursday 22 November 2012

Final Ghostbusters Scene Edit

After changing most of the cuts from the initial edit, and a lot of cleaning up, we decided that we had a finished version of the scene that was a vast improvement. The sound, although still far from perfect, was much more audible than before, and slightly cleaner. Obviously it was impossible to get perfect sound with the equipment we were using but I believe we did well eventually with what we had to work with. We spent some time making slight alterations to when cuts were made, and from doing this it was easy to see how changing the timing of a cut by one frame can make a big difference to the final product. After working with both Premier Pro and Final Cut X editing software, it has become clear that Final Cut is definitely for me. I am a visual type of person and the layout, design and smoothness of Final Cut mixes well with this. The main thing I have taken away from this project is how effective it can be to produce multiple drafts of an edit, first putting together a rough version and then smoothing out all the kinks. By doing this I believe we came out with a much better finished edit than we would have if we simply put one single version together. 

Below is the link to the Final Edit of our Ghostbusters Recreated Scene. 

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