Wednesday 3 April 2013

Cabaret Dance Video

We did a one day shoot with a group of cabaret style dancers and filmed six of their routines, as they wanted a showreel to advertise their group. I wanted to see what could be done with the edit and possibly just use it as editing practice for myself. I chose one of the routines and began editing through.

It was unusual for me to edit something like this, as the way it needed to be done was very different from anything I've done before. One reason for this is that usually when editing a short film or something similar I would be looking to use the best shots I could in artistic terms, whereas with this being promotional material for a business, I had to keep that in mind throughout and use the shots that best showed off the dancer, and the routine.

In terms of editing choices this video was much more restrictive for me also, as their is already a set routine that has to be followed, and so when putting two shots together I was basically looking for the right moment to cut not for creative purposes, but just so that the edit flows right. There was issues towards the end of the dance as the dancer changed her routine from one take to the other, and so getting the timing right was very difficult, and I ended up having to create a mix of the two routines in the end.

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