Friday, 15 February 2013

Conspiracy Theory Edits

For the first assignment of semester two, we were given the task to create a three minute documentary detailing a conspiracy theory of our choice, using only footage found online. This idea was inspired by the work of Adam Curtis, who had used this format multiple times to great effect. After watching one of his films, and some previous student work based on the theory that Paul McCartney died in a car crash, we set out to choose a topic of our own. 

There were two ideas that stood out to us, simply because we already knew the theories and had done research into them to a certain extent. The first of these was the idea that famed rapper Tupac Shakur had faked his own death in order to escape to a different country unnoticed. The other idea was to document the strange events that apparently happened after the filming of the 1976 film 'The Omen' which is famed for having strange and unfortunate things, sometimes lethal, happening to its cast and crew. This idea was abandoned as we decided this was more of an urban myth than conspiracy theory. 

The action we took was to plan our film, simply to get an idea of what footage we would need to collect in order to tell this story. We decided to follow the same sort of structure used in the aforementioned student film about Paul McCartney, and so after planning, we basically wanted to follow this structure: 
  • Begin by introducing Tupac, his fame and popularity, with some statistics to back this up. 
  • Go on to explain the 'official' story of his death, with no mention of a conspiracy theory.
  • Now introduce our conspiracy theory, through one or more people explaining its basic ideas.
  • Provide all of our evidence to support the theory, divided into sections and all using multiple sources. 
After scouring the web for footage of Tupac, and any material that would help us make out point, our next step was to create the pacing of the film. We wanted to begin with a bang, and so for the first shot after the title plays, the city lights pop onto the screen. This creates a feeling for the viewer of immediately being involved within the film, as it surprises them to some extent, and demands their concentration. From here, as we introduce Tupac and his fame, we created a slow pace, that was steady throughout, and simply played out as any normal documentary would in its introduction, calm and informative, not doing anything spectacular. This pace then slowed down for the segment talking about his death. This was important to do as it creates the emotion linked with seeing such a tragedy unfold. We only really used one or two clips here, to reinforce this effect. 

As we then moved through to the beginning of our conspiracy theory, when it is being explained and evidence provided, we used the slow pace of the death section as a starting point, and very gradually quickened the pace, through to the end of the film. We discussed quickening it so much that we would be cutting every second as we approach the ending, but this seemed too over the top, and we also knew we wanted one or two last shots at the very end, for the voiceover of Tupac telling us to expect him back to play over. It was important that we had this slow last word, as it sets a sombre and almost creepy last few seconds for the audience to take with them.  

I feel this assignment has been valuable to me in the way it has taught me more about the pacing of a film, as the footage we had gave us so much more choice than we would have on a normal film. But another aspect of this project that I feel was vital to my learning experience was the way it showed me how imagery and sound can link together to trick the viewer in some ways. For example I could have a sound clip playing of one of Tupacs songs, as he claims that he will come back resurrected, and if I put an image over the top of this that shows him in a sort of religious position, this creates a much more powerful impact on the audience than simply the sound or the image alone. 

The link to the video is below:

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