Sunday, 2 December 2012

Scene 37

When beginning my edit of Scene 37, I immediately found that it was easier to work with than Scene 34. The sound was a huge improvement, and there was a greater variety of takes and shots to work with. This did mean I spent longer watching through the rushes, but I think this helped me in the way that by the time I started putting things into order in the timeline, I already had a good idea of which takes were the best, and which shots I wanted to incorporate when. I also thought the scene allowed for more variety in the way we approached the edit, as selecting a certain shot to show at a certain time could hold suspense in a more obvious way than Scene 37 could. One example of how I found this to be interesting was when the couple standing behind our protagonist leave the room. I decided to show the man coming over from the left, but then cut to the reverse shot so that the audience cannot see whether they leave or not. Katherine then looks behind her, attempting still to appear focused on the conversation with Dickie. By the time I cut back to the previous shot, the couple have been lost off screen.

This scene did also present some notable difficulties though, and these mainly sprouted from the male actor playing Dickie. As he forgot his lines on a few occasions, he did not end up speaking the same lines in the same order in each take, and it was a difficult task to assemble the pieces of his lines into something that followed the script as closely as possible. But I was happy with how this worked out, as the conversation does work, and his pauses work well to indicate his uncertainty about where Katherines attention lies.

I also attempted for the first time to perform colour correction on the scene, which I am still unsure about now, as I feel the quality of the image has been somewhat distorted by doing this.